There’s so many words and phrases to know when learning how to make music. Below, I’ve included some of the most popular terms used in my courses as a “quick reference guide” for you to easily look up one you’ve forgotten!
Whole note
Whole notes are held for four beats. These look similar to a hollow oval, with no stem or flag attached to the note.
Half note
Half notes are held for two beats. Half notes are notated with a hollow oval, like a whole note, and straight stem.
Quarter note
Quarter notes are held for one beat. These are notated with a solid, filled-in oval and a stem attached.
Eighth note
Eighth notes are held for a half of a beat. These are notated with a solid oval, stem attached, and a flag on the end of a stem. .
Sixteenth note
Sixteenth notes are held for a quarter of a beat. These are notated with a solid oval, a stem, and two flags on the end of the stem.
Whole rest
A whole rest is a rest held for four beats. These look like a rectangle hanging from the middle line of a staff.
Half rest
A half rest is held for two beats. These look like a rectangle sitting on top of the middle line of the staff.
Quarter rest
A quarter rest is held for one beat. These look like a fancy letter “Z” connected to a backwards letter “C”. A squiggle might be a better way to describe this shape.
Eighth rest
An eighth rest is held for half of a beat. These look very similar to a fancy number “7”.
Sixteenth rest
A sixteenth rest is held for a quarter of a beat. These aren’t too common in music we’ll be using. Sixteenth rests look like two fancy “7s” stacked on top of each other.
Digital piano
Acoustic piano
Upright piano
Grand Piano
Treble Clef
Lead Sheet
Fake Book
Chord Progression / Chord Changes
Chord symbols
Solo style
Accompaniment Style
Blues chord changes / Blues progression
Half step
Whole Step
Root Position
Major chord
Minor chord
Seventh chord / Dominant 7th chord
Sustain Pedal
P/V/G sheet music
Grand Staff
Maybe you haven’t taken my courses, but recognize some of these words and phrases from your time in high school band or orchestra. Are you interested in getting back to making music and playing the piano? You can sign up for a webinar below to learn more about Piano in a Flash courses!
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