St. Patrick’s Day songs

Are you the kind of musician that needs to find a song for every holiday?

St. Patrick’s Day songs seem to be the HARDEST to find. So, we widened our search a little and found some great songs by popular Irish bands to include too!

Which of these songs are you going to learn for the holiday?

This song was first written in 1913, and to this day, nobody is 100% sure what the lyrics mean— theories range from a simple Irish immigrant ballad to lamenting a past lover. Watch the video to hear Scott play his version of Danny Boy.
(if you would like a lead sheet with the hipper chord changes Scott arranged for this version – click here )

A popular love song about a singer falling in love with an Irish gal. Ed Sheeran released his version on March 17 of 2017, aka St. Patrick’s Day! With this upbeat love song, you’ll surely have other people dancing to your playing.

Can you believe this song is already 15 years old? It was released in 2006 and became an absolute hit all over the world. It’s one of my personal favorites to play on the piano. The chords are easy, and it’s a song anyone can sing along to while you play.

Not an Irish song, per se, but the band The Script is from Ireland! This song is about people living very different lives, and how they’ve become stronger after experiencing hardships. After this quarantine year, I think we’re all our own superheroes in a way.

“She’s got lions in her heart
A fire in her soul he’s a got a beast
In his belly that’s so hard to control
Cause they’ve taken too much hits, taking blow by blow
Now light a match, stand back, watch them explode”
– Superheroes, The Script

Another song about becoming stronger! Honestly, Bono put it best:

“Just like a flower can survive and maybe thrive in inhospitable conditions, the human spirit cannot be smothered, and can even persevere in hard times.”

This is a neat song with lots of musical highs and lows, and it’s not built in your standard song fashion: there are two bridges, which is a rarity for any song! While this song may be dense and riddled with synth sounds and multiple guitar sounds layered on each other, it makes for a beautiful piano solo as well.

Do you have other St. Patrick’s Day songs we forgot to include in this list? Share them in the comments below!

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